July Workshop - Jaleo!

Flamenco Revealed Monthly Workshop Series

Date: Saturday July 25th

1-2:30p.m. Central ( 2-3:30p.m. EST/ 11-12:30 PT)

Fee: $65

Register here!

Cuadro Accompaniment: Jaleo and Compás

In this workshop we’ll be exploring the dynamics of rhythmic vocal accompaniment in flamenco known as ‘jaleo’. We’ll go beyond the ‘olé’ to talk about different words and phrases used in jaleo and the importance of timing, rhythm and intention when doing jaleo. We’ll also look at how rhythmic vocalizations can pair with certain movements in the dance to be supportive. We’ll explore how and when to do jaleo, when not to and how to master staying in compás while you do it. Using marking steps and remates in 12 count we’ll work with palo seco strumming patterns and palmas accompaniment while layering jaleo on top of it. Marija and Kerensa will demonstrate various timing and technique for jaleo, answer your questions and offer suggestions for practice following the workshop.

Dancers who register by Wednesday July 22nd will receive a prep video that includes the marking steps and remate we’ll use in the workshop.

All participants will receive a practice video following the workshop with the material we cover.

Kerensa DeMars