June Workshop - Working with Contratiempo

Join us Saturday June 20th for the next installment in the FLAMENCO REVEALED workshop series.

We'll explore the 12 count contratiempo patterns dancers use in forms such as Alegrias, Bulerias, Solea por Bulerias and discuss how to keep the compás (rhythm) steady for dancers, singers, guitarists and palmeros. A footwork pattern with three variations will be taught with accompaniment options for guitar, palmas and jaleos.  We'll look at the importance of accenting in contratiempo patterns and talk about some of the secrets performers use to stay in compás during long contratiempo sections.

As always in our live workshops we answer your questions, discuss how to best support each other, act out the problem spots and illustrate how to clearly communicate with your dancer, guitarist and singer.

Dancers who register by June 17th will receive a prep video with three 12 count contratiempo variations including turns and marcaje we’ll be using in the workshop. All participants will receive a practice video following the workshop that breaks down the material in three sections: guitar/cante/baile, guitar/baile, cante/baile.

For more information and to sign up click here ››››

Kerensa DeMars